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The Colorado Experiment

Put Yourself Through The Experiment

The Colorado Experiment is a well-documented study that produced exceptional muscle growth in a remarkably short time, with subjects achieving unprecedented results through brief, high-intensity training (Over 60 lbs of lean muscle in 28 days). Our program offers an adapted version of this method, designed to challenge participants to push their limits. While the original experiment sparked controversy, we aim to explore whether these extraordinary outcomes can be replicated under controlled conditions.

The Colorado Experiment

Complete Programming

No Steroids

No, you don't need magic potions. The goal of this experiment is to target and fatigue your fast-twitch muscle fibers more effectively and intensely than any other program, using slow, high-intensity movements.

Pack on Muscle

Want biceps bigger than your problems? Test subjects saw a gain of 60 lbs of lean muscle in just 28 days.

Track Progress

Track your workouts, meals, and whatever else you're doing to transform yourself into a freak. Weekly and monthly trends—because who doesn't love graphs?

30 Minute Workouts

Only got half an hour? That’s all we need. Sync your wearable, watch the magic happen, and pretend you weren’t binge-watching Netflix before the workout.

Enhance Body Composition

Log weekly progress photos like it’s your personal fitness photoshoot. We want to turn you into a bodybuilder.

Max Out

Don't settle for "good enough". Your going to lift heavy ass weight and it's going to be hard. Don't be a quitter.